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Monday, December 7, 2020
America Before. After Reformed America 2.0
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: When life began ; there already was all of us, alr...
When life began ; there was all of us, already.
Our story, your story, all of our stories start in the same instant. Once we are, we always will be. We have a soul because we are not a soul. We have an identity, Yet we are not our Identity. We share each other but are separated by viewpoints. We are not more male than we are female. One cannot say that day is better than night? One can say that this allows more things to be done. The discovery of womanhood is the hardest won global understanding of all. Manhood how has Passion and well-maintained home life. The more equal their Passion, the more power n their personal lives. In today's world, only Religions have a right to racist hate speech and abuse of power beyond the control of their calling. Not even race is more potent than the hidden ingredient. Whatever it may be. That comes prepackaged to us as World Religion. Therefore it follows that You can never affect long-term racism without first giving World Religions a swift kick in the head. To separate yourself from who you are- You- you become lost. You now must be more aware of falling rocks.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
AT&T- Why have you betrayed Us all.
This system 5G should be removed from the planet. For one simple reason. Treason. This cooperation is a treasonist company that has been selling out all its costumers, Without there knowledge for 40 years. They are untrustworthy. This new tech, right or wrong, must be there the lastest form of global spying. My Mom, Grandma & Aunt all retired from the Western Electric Plante in Indpls. Owned By AT&T. Other family members worked at Indiana Gear works. A CIA Front company. Six family members worked with the organization their entire lives—all retiring from them. Only to Find out there bother are traitors to the rest of the people of America.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: The nine conditions of existence.
Friday, September 4, 2020
The nine conditions of existence.
Any time Religion is not existence. It is a reflection of belief threw mirroring. The Nine condition of existence, Known up above as The Lower nine, complete one larger Idintafiable Identity Known as God, Ahura Mazda Jahovia, Ect. Each God has smaller reps Like JC- Satan- Zoroaster, Krhrisna Socrates, etc. The nine conditions are Based on many reflections. 1. The individual soul has many forms and requirements of its own. Each does. The soul is being this or that. One is the soul. He does not have one. Each soul is lined up with a body by a higher source covered in the 8th Dynamic. To best suit the game bellow. Diseases and birth defects are caused by the body itself. The first dynamic condition is Confusion. @. The second is in a state of liability. Driven mainly by the miss interrupted purpose of the body, to begin with. The insanity of cross-contamination and forced Rape now at a historic high. The condition of the child is most upsetting. The family itself is as well in a state of treason for not following the primary conditions of health and safety of all other life. The eating of meat the taste for blood. 3. Dynamic is placed in a lower condition for not standing up to existing law placed on them by other men. It is doubt because they fail to make their mark. Mom and pops are almost going. Soon an Individual will not be allowed to contribute to the higher levels of existence. The 4th Dynamic is Cancer and diseased beyond savage ability. Church has gone insane, and health care is on a decline with a lack of research and development. Depending on the work of the past medicos. The Corporation is the sickest monster developed by man. To become control of the very governments of the people themselves. Leave murderous results in mass. Religion and health care, and corporations all need to be for the people, not against the people. Police and fire workers are in a condition of Confusion with a shot of fear and hate as primary qualities. The planet is full of living things as each body is. They are contaminated with corporate greed, unlike ever has existed. The earth itself is in deep trouble in a state of free fall- or Confusion. Global warming is destroying the future. The arsenals are loaded with nukes. All material things are in the path of removal. Therefore there is a condition of enemy declared between man and planet. The seventh condition of existence is everything in mind and above in energy form. It is tainted with the blood of Religion/ science, the opposite of religion. That is treason. The earth or this planets god is being warned that Confusion will become the modern way of existence. The ninth is the level of the next God out. My Dad. Who has been sent for. He likes to see total installations because of the sunrise. Dad or the Ninth Dynamic is in Power. I have asked all gurus and saint christ people and Philosopher to come forward. Most are here now. For the final showdown and rebirth of a nation and world. U .s. is the brain, the Russians are the might, the Chinese are the Philosopher. The overall condition of mankind is treason. The plan is to stop the spinning of the Planet for a microsecond ( afib of a planet). This will rest Earth. You can guess what will happen. The time will be decided when My Brother known as JC and sister arrives. My sister is nowhere in the outback of Australia. My brother will need a big entrance as usual.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents
Monday, April 27, 2020
Mass Surveillance With Edward Snowden and Jared Leto
Mass Surveillance With Edward Snowden and Jared Leto
Mass Surveillance With Edward Snowden and Jared Leto
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Charmian Gooch: Meet global corruption's hidden players
"The government should be afraid of the people. Not the people afraid of the Government." Edward Snowden.
About Me

- donnie harold harris
- Hello, and it is true. I am me, and you are you. We are we, and there are them—everyone else. That makes all of us.