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Showing posts with label Enki- Enlil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enki- Enlil. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The end of time how I know it.

   How is it possible to see and interact with all four horsemen simultaneously? By separation. Three to one. The one needs to be more powerful than the three. The horse can be equal or appear so. How does a beaten-down little boy become one with a creator who is unknown in his time? Meeting all the players from the top except one. The one who organizes the others. Yet I have been blessed to meet these over times of hardship, uncertainties, and self-denial. In order. Two arc angels that would go on and rape me to bring it home the meaning of the meeting. Mother Mary drove in her car as she controlled the outer planets of this sun system. Jesus, I Hollywood as he directed traffic in my mind. Lucifer overhead as I was being teased by a movie star. Others I failed to recognize are Ali Lama and Holly Krisna's head guy, who is a good professor. Each story is detailed yet unknown to all. Write to me, and I will tell you about your favorite thing.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Unprovoked reality on a shirt string.

 Conspiracy is when two minds become one. Dynamint cannot tear them apart. Yet, they can cause unprovoked reality to happen. Somehow, reality is not what is real but what is believed to be. A placebo is an effect of causes that can be made upon if believed evidence will show up. Therefore, I have been seeing Things for a long time across the dynamics of existence. If you think it so, shall it be? How could that be? Intelligence agencies, Like the CIA, Get into many swamps because of this unprovoked wishful thinking. Sometimes, they are correct, but mostly wrong. The danger is when they push this reality down the throats of those less known about the proper cause-and-effect action cycle. Get the world to believe in a virus. Many die mysteriously or put the weather changing beliefs, and bingo, you have bad weather that is ordinarily accepted as usual but is now undocumented. Yes Jesus is back but so is his twin. That is the test two original brothers back at it once again. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

I would change the world if I could.

The future is not the past. The past is not the future. The now is all there is. What game are we playing anyway? We have domains. Like a body, we are built the same as a Universe. We start as a single cell and create from there with a blueprint from a long time ago in a distant place. Although we think with a mind, we live by our hearts—two sides of the same brain. Suppose we lose that we become animals once again. If I could change the world, I would build four new Universities. All unnamed until you make yourselves known as The Chemistry prodigy you are. Your discovery of how to dissolve body fat that caused the elimination of obesity and diabetes will get you until rewards and your name on one f the four. If you figure out how to combine philosophy, Religion, and Phycology into one, you will go down in history as a Living God. If you can get all military in the world to decide on world peace and remove all nukes from the planet, you will become a living god with all it can give back to you. Fourth If you constrain the Insanity now taking hold over the misuse of those who Pirated the Plans of Freedom of all women instead of turning men into Women and women into men, You will save the world. You get to all. Woman lib Planned Parenthood caused so much pain in the world to cause this. The world is now the wrong place to live. I hope all those that hate themselves so much that they want others to join their sorrow realize they are the cause of what the children now must reap.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022

What is in a name.

 Donnie Name Meaning and History ... What Does Donnie Mean and History? English form of the Scottish name Domhnall which means “ruler of the world”,    The Donnie surname is a habitational name, taken on from Downhead in Somerset, or Donhead in Wiltshire. These place names both derived from the Old English words "dun," meaning "hill," and "he-afod," meaning the geographic "head" of land. There was also a place so named in Caithness, Scotland.                                               Ready for battle; Noble; Lion

Origin:American. Other Origin(s):German, Latin. Meaning:Ready for battle; Noble; Lion. Lonnie is a gender-neutral name of American, German, and Latin origin.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

the other sunset

 There are things only you can Know. Even when told to others, they will not understand. Donnie Harold Harris

Food and placebo

 Does the mind respond to the body as a placebo with food? 

The future of humankind.

 The Future of Humankind is free from a fear of God. No longer in fear of a God, one that loves me while destroying where I came from. The future brings about a more prominent platform of Universal springtime. The tree branches and the Eskimos' footprint shall bring new life out of the ashes. Abundance out of scope. Humankind needs to become One.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Is God dead? Let us ask.

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Is God dead? Let us ask.:  Like any rabbit hole you plan on going down, it is best not only to carry some rope and players a flash light and a knife. You need The Oth...

Is God dead? Let us ask.

 Like any rabbit hole you plan on going down, it is best not only to carry some rope and players a flash light and a knife. You need The Other stuff. Known as drugs in the Earth plan. Its best to talk to the Rabbit if you can get him to talk to you. There pretty stubborn, yet one will often talk back to me. Down the whole I go as the Rabbit is following me down and whats up docIng me all the way. Most do not know this but God is only protectected by one being. Thats it between you and Him. The all knowing all mighty what's his name?

Do not guess wrong, for this is a being unlike Him. Yet he is just as likely to let you in to meet as not. So tell me, punk, "Do you feel lucky?"  With nothing to lose except the lost concept, I dove in. Next is the most significant discovery of them all. The doorkeeper and the kept are the same people. A set of Identical twins. Strange, I whispered to myself in cause I was worth eavesdropping on. I, as well, am an Identical twin. Donnie harold harris. Born on August 1, 1953, at 6.33 am. I was born the seventh child of a teenage mom named Mary. Three more would follow. Although the stars mention my name, there is no trumpet pile-up or subject of reframing of design. I left before I was asked to come by your side. We are together. I did not know which God to thank, so I lowered my head in respect and got the hell in my head, out of there. If you are looking for God, look to yourself; that is where he will join you at home.

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Hello, and it is true. I am me, and you are you. We are we, and there are them—everyone else. That makes all of us.