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Showing posts with label Independent candidate for president 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent candidate for president 2024. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Is there small and large group psychosis happening?

 Donnie Harold Harris: Is there small and large group psychosis happening? Is it humanity's sickness or humankind's evolution caused by other forces? Are they the same thing, or are they the opposite of the same thing? Can we use the tools of Ethical doctrine, moral laws, or levels of dynamic existence to shed light on these crucial questions about our times? Can we roast the coffee beans and get co-coo? Ah, the intricate and dynamic dance between our health and the forces shaping us is truly fascinating! 🌟 Let's explore this complex interplay together.

Evolution and Sickness: A Cosmic Tango

  1. The Evolutionary Lens:
    • Imagine this: Our species, Homo sapiens, has been gracefully waltzing through time. Along the way, we've encountered some fascinating partners—microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and worm parasites. They've been our companions since the dawn of our existence, like the intriguing friends who always bring a new perspective to the party. These microorganisms evolve at breakneck speed compared to us. While we're still figuring out how to use our smartphones efficiently, they're changing ways to dodge our immune defenses. It's like they've got an express lane in the evolutionary race.
  2. So, yes, these microbial companions have not just influenced our evolution, but they've significantly shaped it. They've nudged our genetic makeup, shaped our immune responses, and even left their mark on our susceptibility to certain diseases1. It's a fascinating and intricate dance, isn't it? The Dance of Disease:
    • Now, let's talk about sickness. Why do we get sick? Well, it's a mix of factors:
      • Mutation: Sometimes, our genes throw a little party and invite mutations. These genetic hiccups can lead to diseases.
      • Genetic Drift: Imagine a genetic game of musical chairs. Population changes—migration, admixture, and shifts in size—shuffle the deck. Some alleles (gene variants) become more common, while others fade into obscurity.
      • Natural Selection: Survival of the fittest, my friend. If a genetic trait helps us survive and reproduce, it sticks around. If not, it gets the boot.
  3. These forces—mutation, drift, and selection—shape the distribution of disease-risk alleles across human populations. It's like a cosmic choreography; the steps, or changes in our genetic makeup, are written in our DNA, guiding the dance of disease across human populations. The Yin and Yang of Health and Environment:
  4. The Grand Finale:

So, my curious friend, the sickness of humanity and our evolution—it's a grand symphony with many movements. Forces beyond our control—microbes, genetics, and the environment—shape the melody. And we, the active participants, are here to understand and appreciate their rhythm and actively engage and adapt. We're not just dancers in this cosmic tango but also choreographers, constantly learning new steps and improving our performance.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The inside out. Why mothers are gods favorite creature. The chosen ones.

  The world's opposite is that humankind first noticed the building blocks of opposites after a young girl discovered fire. How vital was this single discovery she made, which would become needed to move humanity from the Animal world to the king of the planet and out into the universe itself? Her mother's love for her child's survival caused such a stir in the hearts of humanity. She did not walk on water but walked through fire. Grabbing a bush in flames, she scattered the flames of her desire into the chaos of her dreams that night. It was before time was realized or humankind saw the first stars. This leap of faith in the struggle to reach her child moved mountains and caused change unending to this very day. She had no name or sense of self but a drive to be a mother to her child. She would move through eighty-two emotions, forming a mind inside her head from the reaches of her stomach. She not only recovered her baby but discovered the fire was trainable and used it as the first monkey of the 100 monkies needed to propel humanity itself forward, unlike it had been before. Her reach became a mankind grasp at total freedom on a new heightened level. This selfless achievement is humanity's golden knowledge.

Through fire, we grew a brian and competed to dominate the world. Only a few things were more significant. Humanity still struggles with a desire to be the one. Threw the insanity of the weakened man. The one that moves mountains. So, we invented warfare to blow up the mountains and rule the world with fear of the unknown. There is no justifiable excuse for Israel's descent into madness, killing the gods, the people chosen, the females of the land. Built not as a companion of mankind but as a mother of humanity. Without our mothers, there would be no fathers to protect the lands. Man has chosen death over life. Self over others and lose over gain. The thinkers of antiquity struggled to figure out why man had to dominate instead of disseminate life. They are still rooted in the weakness of the past and their stomachs' old way of thinking. Betrayed women around the world still struggle with this third way of thinking. The way of man.

Inside out. Lost not found used instead of abused up instead of down. Dualaility would become the new way of thinking. Leading to everything we have figured out. Yet we allow a madman Known as Not-head to decapitate children and roast them alive without thought of any remorse or collision. Bomb them into becoming mountains for change. I say hear the cries of the children, or you too will surely die. There are many higher powers in the universe. I now request them to come to our mothers' aid. Mother nature saves us, for we do not know which way or how to go. Lead us to the way of grace and freedom to be. Split the earth and blow up these mountains we face. Show us the rivers and valleys of our salvation. Make yourself known to all. This vision is planted like a tree with possibilities of shade from the heat to the wood of the shelter and the fruit of substances; let it rain life down on the world as you will. Peace is not pleasure. Pleasure is a warm heart and a happy child's carefree nature to invent the wind.

. It is "I." 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Family. The second dynamic of existence.


Credit: Bettmann via Getty Images ; Heritage Images/ Hulton Archive via Getty Images

Robert E. Lee and George Washington

These two Americans were born in Virginia’s Westmoreland County 75 years apart (in 1732 and 1807, respectively), and served as senior generals in two of America’s most influential wars — the Revolutionary War and Civil War. Confederate General Robert E. Lee married Mary Anna Randolph Custis, the daughter of Martha Washington’s grandson (from her first marriage). This means he was also related, by marriage, to the first President of the United States, George Washington. And the unlikely connection between the two figures doesn’t stop there. After the Civil War, Lee became president of Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, which was named after both men.

About Me

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Hello, and it is true. I am me, and you are you. We are we, and there are them—everyone else. That makes all of us.