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Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Is God dead? Let us ask.
Is God dead? Let us ask.
Like any rabbit hole you plan on going down, it is best not only to carry some rope and players a flash light and a knife. You need The Other stuff. Known as drugs in the Earth plan. Its best to talk to the Rabbit if you can get him to talk to you. There pretty stubborn, yet one will often talk back to me. Down the whole I go as the Rabbit is following me down and whats up docIng me all the way. Most do not know this but God is only protectected by one being. Thats it between you and Him. The all knowing all mighty what's his name?
Do not guess wrong, for this is a being unlike Him. Yet he is just as likely to let you in to meet as not. So tell me, punk, "Do you feel lucky?" With nothing to lose except the lost concept, I dove in. Next is the most significant discovery of them all. The doorkeeper and the kept are the same people. A set of Identical twins. Strange, I whispered to myself in cause I was worth eavesdropping on. I, as well, am an Identical twin. Donnie harold harris. Born on August 1, 1953, at 6.33 am. I was born the seventh child of a teenage mom named Mary. Three more would follow. Although the stars mention my name, there is no trumpet pile-up or subject of reframing of design. I left before I was asked to come by your side. We are together. I did not know which God to thank, so I lowered my head in respect and got the hell in my head, out of there. If you are looking for God, look to yourself; that is where he will join you at home.
Monday, August 8, 2022
Friday, August 5, 2022
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
In the beginning there was...0; then became 1.
Rape is not a survival system. It is an animal technic.
Keeping .God alive
God, everything else, is coming to defend Themselves. Like a storm within a storm, it is building like a form of global warming. God is everything else that is believed to be outside of you. Outside of me, outside of everyone. God, like a drought or excessive rain, is nature's extreme. It is the eruption of Volcanos. The death of some and the renewal of other things. God is the duality of everything else. Yet God is not really known. The placebo of placebos. The known and the unknown. The real and the unreal. The weak and the strong. The right and the wrong. Can A God be directly experienced or known?
The Devil is Jesus. The right hand is the left. The right mind and the dull sense are each other.
. Left brain and right brain. Yet, we only know God threw the teaching of others. These words are not mine. Their ways, their belief, and their Understanding. If you do not believe in gasoline, the car will not run. Why believe in A God, to begin with? Is God color? Like a rainbow shining in every light equally at once? Is God right or wrong? Is God weak, or is God strong? Are you God? Why can"t we all Just get alone? Rodney King would ask. I ask, Why science just strings us along? Go into the night as you know the daylight will be ahead. Hate another and love a song. Wake in the middle of the night wondering what is wrong. What is the mind? What is a theme? Why wait to die to meet Christ or Jingo Bells and Sam, the janitor that keeps your life going along? Cherish each other as you cherish the next breath that keeps you going strong. Without the good, would there be wrong? God is the highest concept of the mind's ability to conceive the riddle of life. It fits into every mold. It works for every love, every cause, and weakness. Every why or why not. The foot does not work well without a heel or a mind without a vote. So what is God? Only you can know. But do not be surprised if God has a God within itself. God only knows...
About Me

- donnie harold harris
- Hello, and it is true. I am me, and you are you. We are we, and there are them—everyone else. That makes all of us.