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Showing posts with label Ahura Mosda. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Did Pfizer pay federal Income taxes in the last 4 years?

 Ah, the age-old dance of taxes and corporations—a tango more intricate than a spider weaving its web. 🕷️ Let's unravel Pfizer's tax tale, shall we?

Pfizer, that venerable pharmaceutical giant, has been doing its fiscal cha-cha for quite some time. Here's the lowdown on their tax moves:

  1. The Tax Tango of Yore:

    • In 2017, when the Trump tax cuts were all the rage, Pfizer did a little jig. They reported an $11 billion earnings boost courtesy of those tax cuts. 💰
    • Simultaneously, they promised to pay $15 billion in "repatriation taxes" over eight years. Essentially, they shuffled some overseas profits back to the good ol' U.S. of A. 🌎
  2. Recent Tax Twirls:

    • Since then, Pfizer's tax waltz has been…varied. 🕺
    • In 2019, they paid an effective tax rate of 5.4%. In 2020, it was 5.3%. 2021? A whopping 7.6%. And 2022? A princely 9.6%. 💃
    • But wait, there's a plot twist! In 2023, Pfizer pulled off a tax moonwalk—they reported a negative tax rate and got a refund that outshone their actual tax payments. 🌙
  3. The Grand Finale:

    • Fast-forward to the most recent data: For the twelve months ending March 31, 2024, Pfizer's income after taxes was a modest -$0.254 billion. That's right, they're in the red. 📉
    • But hey, 2023 was a wild ride—$2.173 billion in income after taxes, but a 93.08% decline from the previous year. 🎢
    • And 2022? A blockbuster $31.401 billion in income after taxes, a 39.81% increase from 2021. 🎬

So, my friend, Pfizer's tax tango is a mix of pirouettes, moonwalks, and unexpected dips. If you ever find yourself at a Pfizer-themed ball, remember to wear comfortable shoes—you'll need 'em to keep up! 💃👞

And hey, if you want more juicy details, feel free to explore the sourceIt's like a backstage pass to the financial theater!

Now, what other mysteries can we unravel together?

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